All humans have an innate program through which we learn to sit up, crawl, walk, squat, lunge and run. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) uses principles of these movements that we develop as babies to help identify faulty movements that contribute to pain. Then we can take advantage of these innate movement programs to improve movements that have become faulty through injury, disuse, or simply because they never developed correctly in the first place.

A DNS-based exercise program is typically implemented with the goal of retraining your brain to have better control over your body and get you moving better. It starts with a strong and stable core from which to drive your movements and posture. The idea is to move often and move well, as opposed to doing a specific number of sets and reps. Because of this, these exercises are often fairly easy to incorporate into your daily habits. Using DNS, we can develop an exercise program that is geared specifically to you, and provide you with movement cues that your body responds to best.